career 和job(career和job的概念区别),本文通过数据整理汇集了career 和job(career和job的概念区别)相关信息,下面一起看看。

Today we answer a question from Soheila in Iran. She writes:


What's the difference between job, occupation, career and profession? – Soheila, Iran Dear Soheila,

Job、occupation、career和profession有什么区别?——索海拉,伊朗 亲爱的索海拉,

Thank you for asking this question. The four words you named have small differences.


I will start with &;job,&; the simplest of the words. A &;job&; is work people do, usually for money.


It can mean work a person does for a single employer. That work might last for years or a much shorter period, as in this example.


The shortest job I have ever had lasted three weeks. We may also use the word &;job&; to talk about unpaid work, as in housework:


Mother said, &;Cleaning your room is your most important job today&;. The word &;occupation&; is more general, and means the kind of work a person does.


For example, I left my previous occupation to be a professional artist. We also use &;occupation&; to talk about things people enjoy spending a lot of time doing,


as in this example: Hai's favorite occupation is playing tennis.


But note that this use of the word has become less common over time. A &;career&; is what people do over a longer period of time.


We use the word &;career&; to talk about a series of jobs over a person's lifetime. Some people plan a career while others simply try for better jobs.


You can also use &;career&; to talk about what someone does in school, the military or performing arts. General George Patton had many victories in his military career.


A &;career&; depends on your goals and the path you want to take through your working life. It does not always require that you have special training.


However, a &;profession&; is a kind of occupation that requires special training, knowledge or skills. For some occupations, you must successfully complete a study program at a college or university.


Or you must pass a test and practice in your field of expertise for some time before you can become a professional. Here are two examples:


Magazines can be about any profession like medicine, law, engineering, teaching and so on. I have spent years learning my profession and I will not quit easily.


Finally, let us compare all four words in Soheila's question: A job is work you do, sometimes for pay.


An occupation is something you spend your time on. A career is the path you follow through your working life.


A profession is a career that requires special knowledge or skills. I hope this helps to answer the question.


And that's Ask a Teacher. What question do you have about American English?


Send us an email at learningenglish@voanews. com I'm Jill Robbins.

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