陈述:问题1:显然凯尔对她目前的工作不满意。她是一名护士,但她会放弃小学或中学的老师。问题2:我们没有足够的信息来制定我们的财务计划,但是明天就要到期了。恐怕我们只能将就一下现有的东西了。问题3:在竞争激烈的就业市场中,想要脱颖而出的压力比以往任何时候都大。继续接受教育是获得额外优势的一种方式。问题4:我们的生产主管警告约翰要按时打卡,穿着要适合工作,不要再额外休息了。问题5:如果你打算从事多媒体控制器管理工作,与其他国家的人有效合作的能力尤为重要,因为国际经验是一个重要的先决条件。问题6:现在到处都可以找到快餐店。这些餐馆为那些太匆忙而没有时间吃正餐的人服务。问题7:马基宁在路上碰到了看起来像是油的东西,他的车撞上了混凝土护栏,几乎完全撕裂了他三菱蓝瑟的右后轮。问题8:公共卫生领域最大的成功之一是吸烟率的大幅下降,现在这种下降转化为癌症和心脏病死亡人数的减少。问题9:在现代社会,私人住宅不仅仅是人们居住的地方。富人长期以来一直将房地产视为获取收入的合适工具。问题10:你需要从笔记页的左边缘画一条0英寸的垂直线。在这一行,你右边还有6英寸的空间来写下你的笔记。【评析】1.此题描述对现在工作的不满和宁愿做的工作。重点在但是后面。2.此题描述利用现在资源做经济计划的事。考生应注意到期(到期)以及凑合着用勉强应对)便可知题意。3.此题描述如何应对就业压力大的一种方法。难点在额外边缘(额外的奖励或优势)。4.此题描述主管对约翰的要求。找准三个并列动词就易于理解。5.此题描述什么情况下同外国人有效地工作很必要。题中有个从句,其中,修饰MMC .6此题描述快餐店服务的人羣。重点在第二句,快餐厅应为熟知单词,根据意思也能理解题意。7.此题描述马基宁撞车的原因和结果。难点是单词混凝土护栏(水泥栏杆),后轮(后轮)。8.此题描述公众健康取得的一大成就。难点是要了解一些普通疾病的说法以及死亡率(死亡率),没落(下降)。9.此题描述私人住宅不仅是用来居住的现状房地产(不动产)、车辆(工具,媒介)。10.此题描述划线的问题。掌握单词垂直(垂直的),考生还应注意具体数字对话:比尔,你有空吗?是的,但是你能快点吗?我很忙w:好的。啊我对这个帐单感到抱歉。我知道你很忙,但是今天下午我得去一个地方。我下午可以请假吗?哦,我在海伦!女:但这真的很重要。我的意思是它确实是紧急的事情。听着,对不起,海伦,但是我不能。我请了很多人病假w:嗯,来一对怎么样.听着,我们今天必须完成这份报告。老板一直在办公室等着w:我知道那张钞票。就一个小时怎么样?是的,好的。我想是的。但是下一次我希望得到更多的警告。问题:11。海伦为什么想和比尔说话?12.男人和女人之间是什么关系?13.最后海伦被允许休假多长时间?14.比尔希望海伦下次做什么?【解析】本篇属于情景对话,首先应当抓住关键词组起飞(请假),接下来就很好理解了。对话中女士因为下午紧急要去某地向男士请假,但是男士一开始因为手上的报告必须要在今日之内完成交给老板而没有准假。
大卫麦克唐纳最著名的作品是水彩画。他的作品已经在超过36个展览中展出。他也是一名著名的美术老师,为高中学生提供暑期水彩画强化课程。大卫:你是如何开始艺术创作的?男:最初这是一种创造私人空间的方式。作为一个有九个孩子的家庭中的老三,我总是和至少三个兄弟共用一间卧室。我会帮助父母打开杂货,打开纸袋,这样我就可以在里面画画了。通过几个小时的绘画,我能够创造自己的小世界。我在大学二年级时开始接触水彩画。从那以后我就被它迷住了。女:你的想法的来源是什么?任何事情都可能是有意识或无意识的灵感。我可能会在乡村、城市街道或超市里迷路。甚至蔬菜的形状和颜色也给了我各种各样的想法。在更学术的层面上,我在大学期间受到了中国和日本画家的影响w:你对我们的学生有什么建议吗?艺术家必须相信自己。我的学生给课堂带来的奉献、勇气和能量比我能提供的任何东西都重要。如果你想鹤立鸡群,你对艺术的热情必须通过比任何人都努力的意愿表现出来。成功的学生将他们的艺术视为一种生活方式,而不仅仅是谋生的方式。作为一名教师,我的工作是帮助我的学生实现他们的潜力,并为他们独特的声音带来口才。问题:27。面试的主题是什么?28.男人是怎么开始学水彩画的?29.为什么这个男人谈论超市里的蔬菜?30.关于成功的艺术生,下列哪一项是不正确的?【评析】此篇是对水彩画家大卫麦克唐纳的一篇采访。涉及到大卫如何开始学画画,他什么时候开始画油画,怎么样获得灵感以及对学生们的建议。一个采访问题,相应的回答,中等难度,没有生僻词,采访对话也较易于理解。掌握单词:水彩画水彩画;杂货店。食品杂货;灵感。灵感;自觉的。有意识的;无意识的。无意识的;奉献。奉献,献身;潜在的。潜力;口才;口才。雄辩,口才;句子翻译:1。成人学生的课程可能是职业性的或娱乐性的,也就是说,它们可能与一个人的工作有关,或者纯粹是为了兴趣和乐趣。参考译文:针对成年学生的课程可能是职业性的或者是娱乐性的,即课程可能与一个人的工作相关或者纯粹的是出于兴趣娱乐而上课。【解析】本句话难度不大,如果考生一时没有反映出职业的和娱乐的的意思,也不必慌张,因为之后就是对这两个单词的解释,如果记下来,完全可以倒推出这两个单词的意思。关键词职业的。职业的,行业的娱乐的。娱乐的,消遣的2.为了克服对城市街道上陌生袭击者的恐惧,许多美国人现在学习东方防身术,如空手道和武术。参考译文:为了克服对城市街道上陌生的攻击者的恐惧,很多美国人采取《太阳之剑》 中的东方自卫术,诸如空手道和技击,它们通常又被成为功夫或者武术。【解析】本句话稍有难度空手道等词需要考生平时的积累,但是通过攻击者,功夫,武术这样的词语,考生应该能判断出句子的大意。
指令:指令:剑:空手道:空手道:武术:武术,技术攻击3。钻茶是一个典型英国家庭的悠久传统。最近的研究表明,茶可以降低癌症和心脏病的风险,并延缓衰老过程。喝茶一直是典型的英国家庭传统。最近的研究表明,茶可以降低患癌症和心脏病的风险,还可以延缓衰老。【解析】这句话带有科普性质,但内容并不陌生,难词和生词也不多。唯一的困难可能是retard,它被解释为“减慢和延迟”。关键词:延迟:五、延迟,减缓衰老过程:衰老4。我一直在研究空运货物的问题。很快。与海运相比,货物不易损坏,而且被耽搁的风险也较小。我一直在研究空运货物的问题。速度快,而且相比海运,空运的货物应该不会有破损,延误的风险小。【解析】这句话有点难,比如容易受到.还有套牢,可能很多考生都有点陌生。关键词:能力差到:不容易.停顿:n .暂停,5。如果你在水中失去了0%的体重,你的脑力和表现水平可能会开始下降。另外4%到7%可能会让你觉得头晕。参考:如果你体内的水分减少2%,你的头脑就会变得迟钝,表现力开始下降。再减4-7%就晕了。【解析】此句难度适中,但考生在听力时要注意提到的数字。好在这句话里的数字比较简单。另外,晕这样的词也是需要平时积累的。当世界其他地方都在踢足球或英国足球时,美国人却在打篮球和棒球。但是现在CCE r正迅速成为美国的一项主要运动,原因就像这项运动本身一样简单。学校官员和孩子们都喜欢它。对学校当局来说,成立一个足球队要便宜得多。对于孩子们来说,踢足球不需要他们长得很大或很高。他们需要的只是逃跑的欲望。当世界其他地方在踢足球时,美国人在打篮球和棒球。然而现在,足球已经迅速成为美国的一项主要运动,原因就像这项运动本身一样简单。学校领导喜欢足球,孩子们也喜欢。对于学校来说,组建足球队花费更少。对于孩子来说,踢足球并不要求他们长得又高又壮。他们需要的只是逃跑的欲望。[点评]这篇文章还是很轻松的。话题是我们非常熟悉的运动。注意体育话题相关词汇的积累。翻译的时候,要注意表达。这篇语气文章是口语化的。所以翻译一篇文章,搞清楚楚的文章风格也很重要,这样你表达的时候就知道是正式语气表达还是非正式语气表达了。有时需要知道文章的材料:议论文、解释性或描述性,以便从整体上把握译文的风格。1.“和…本身一样简单”一般翻译成“和…本身一样简单或纯粹”2。“大还是高”。在这里,我们形象地将其翻译为“高而强”或“高而大”第二段:【原文】真正让我抓狂的是态度趋势道德。有些人真的很震惊,因为演员是允许的。这些天穿着小衣服在舞台上走来走去。但是这些人并没有被广告所震惊,这些广告劝说公众去购买像香烟和酒这样对人们有实际危害的东西。我认为许多广告比所谓的色情、淫秽的戏剧和书籍更不道德,因为它们撒谎或者至少混淆了事实。真正让我抓狂的是人们对道德的态度。
演员可以着装暴露,在台上走来走去,这让一些人感到惊讶,然而同样是这批人,却不会因为广告劝说公众购买如菸酒等对他们有害的产品而震惊。我认为比起那些所谓的色情或黄色节目和书刊,很多广告更不道德,因为它们在说谎,至少在掩盖真相。【评析】本段话共由4句话组成,后三个句子都略微偏长,但是并不复杂,所以难度一般。较难把握的几个词组如下:1.小衣服连用一点点。如果作为"少"修饰的是不可数名词,很明显这里不合适,可以考虑小的表示"短的"意思,意译为"着装暴露"。2.色情的对学生词汇量要求较高。这个单词表示"色情的、黄色的"。同时,脏这里不能直译为"脏的",而应该采用它的引申义"下流的、色情的"。3.假装较难,表示"掩饰、掩盖",掩饰真相也就可以翻译为"掩盖真相"。阅读理解第一篇:阅读理解第一篇选自口译阅读教程今天,世界上大多数国家都有运河。即使在18世纪,货物的运输也可以用比其他运输方式更便宜的方式来完成。一些运河,如苏伊士运河或巴拿马运河,使船只的航程缩短了一千英里,从而节省了数周的时间。其他运河允许船只到达不在沿海的城市。还有一些运河在水多的地方排水,帮助灌溉水少的地方,并为工厂和磨坊提供水力。运河的大小取决于通过它的船只的种类。运河必须足够宽,以便最大的船只能够轻松通过。它必须足够深,才能在使用运河的最大船只的龙骨下留下大约0英尺深的水。开凿在岩石中的运河可以有近乎垂直的侧面。然而,如果侧面的角度太陡,有土堤的运河可能会崩塌。5 .有些运河用砖石或混凝土衬砌,以防止水渗入泥土。这也允许船只以更快的速度行驶,因为它们不能通过搅动水来使堤岸坍塌。在有淤泥堤的小运河里,船只和驳船必须限制它们的速度。当运河通过不同水位时,船只必须从一个水位上升到另一个水位。这通常通过锁来完成。如果一艘船想去更高的水域,船闸的下端打开让船进入。然后,闸门关闭,水从上层进入闸室。这就提高了船闸中的水位,直到它与上游水位相同。现在可以打开上面的闸门,将船释放到更高的水中。当然,在水位差很大的时候,上游一定要有足够的水,以备洪水泛滥。7 .在不常下雨的地方,灌溉渠常常从河流或湖泊中排水,并把水带到农田里。有时人工湖,如尼罗河上阿斯旺水坝后面的湖,提供灌溉用水。8 .在水多的地方,运河可以把水从土地上抽走,用于农业生产。在荷兰,大片大片的土地就这样被抽干了。由于大部分被排干的土地低于海平面,运河里的水必须被抽到海平面。荷兰已经修建了堤坝来防止海水像过去那样淹没陆地。9 .有时运河必须修建在深谷中。桥梁或引水渠就是为此而建造的。罗马人经常通过建造这样的基本速率接口从很远的地方把水带到城市
dges at the top of which were canals. Some canals go through mountains by means of tunnels. One such tunnel near MarseilleFrance is over four miles long.10. Canals existed in Egypt thousands of years ago. The great canal at Babylon beeen the Tigris and Euphrates was built about 2000 B. C.. The Grand Canal of China which is over 900 miles long was begun about 2500 years ago and took centuries to finish. During the seventeenth century France built many canals that are still in use today. However they are not so heavily traveled as they were a hundred years ago before railways were built. One such canal is a short-cut beeen the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. In Russia there are canals reaching from Leningrad to the Caspian Sea. Canals in Germany permit boats to go from the Black Sea to the North Sea. The Kiel Canal provides a passageway beeen the North Sea and the Baltic. In America the Great Lakes are all connected by canals enabling ships to go from the Atlantic Ocean and the St. Lawrence River to Lake Superior. Since the lakes are at different levels they are connected by locks.11. Many countries have built canals near the coast and parallel to the coast. These waterways make it possible for boats to travel beeen ports along the coast without being exposed to the dangers of the open sea.【简析】历年中级口译考试没有出现过的现象出现了,阅读部分,没有直接采用过《阅读教程》上的篇章,而这次就这样被搬到了考场上,一方面,我们意识到出题 老师越来越 浆糊意外,也了解,随着中级口译低龄化的出现,出题老师对考生也越来越仁慈了,不管怎么样,我们老师都有要求同学回家完成教程,所以,看过书的同学一定很 开心,因为开篇,我们就捡了个大便宜。Passage Translation C-E:【原文】近代以来,亚洲经历了曲折和艰难的发展历程。亚洲人们为改变自己的命运,始终以不屈的意志和艰辛的奋斗开辟前进道路。今天,人们所看到的亚洲发展成就,是勤劳智慧的亚洲人民不屈不挠、锲而不舍奋斗的结果。亚洲人民深知,世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路,亚洲人民勇于变革创新,不断开拓进取,探索和开辟适应时代潮流,符合自身实际的发展道路,为经济社会发展打开了广阔前景。【译文】In modern times Asia experienced ists and turns in its development. To change their destiny the people of Asia have been fing ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people.The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable. They never shy away from reform and innovation. Instead they are mitted to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.【评析】文中较难处理的句子有:“亚洲人们为改变自己的命运,始终以不屈的意志和艰辛的奋斗开辟前进道路。”其中“亚洲人们……开辟前进道路”是主干结构,“为改 变自己的命运”表示目的,可以译成不定式to change their destiny放在句子前面,“以不同的意志和艰辛的奋斗”译成介词短语放在句尾。“放之四海而皆准的发展模式”的中心词是“模式”,修饰语“放之四海而 皆准的”意为“普遍适用的”,可译为定语从句放在中心词后。最后一个句子较长,可根据句意进行拆分,确定主干词,对语序进行调整,以流畅的英文表达出来。Squeezed Into Smaller Spaces Koalas Now Face Deadly Disease(出自:)The koala one of Australia's most treasured creatures is in trouble.Faced with habitat loss climate change and bacterial disease koalas are being pushed into smaller and smaller regions of the country. In Queensland the vast state in Australia's northeastern corner surveys suggest that from 2001 to 2008 their numbers dropped as much as 45 percent in urban areas and 15 percent in bushland.And while climate change and habitat loss are affecting many other uniquely Australian animals too -- from birds and frogs to marsupials like wombats wallabies and bandicoots -- it is a bacterial infection that is worrying many scientists about the fate of the koala.''Disease is a somewhat silent killer and has the very real potential to finish koala populations in Queensland'' said Dr. Amber Gillett a veterinarian at the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital in BeerwahQueensland.The killer is chlamydia a class of bacteria far better known for causing venereal disease in humans than for devastating koala populations. Recent surveys in Queensland show that chlamydia has caused symptoms in up to 50 percent of the state's wild koalas with probably even more infected but not showing symptoms.The bacteria -- transmitted during birth through mating and possibly through fighting -- e in o different strains neither the same as the human form. The first Chlamydia pecorum is causing a vast majority of health problems in Queensland's koalas; the second C. pneumoniae is less mon.Unlike C. pecorum the pneumoniae strain can jump to other species but so far there is no evidence that it has spread from koalas to humans or vice versa.Chlamydia causes a host of symptoms in koalas including eye infections which can lead to blindness making it difficult for them to find scarce eucalyptus leaves their primary food source. The bacteria can also lead to respiratory infections along with cysts that can make female koalas infertile.The epidemic has been particularly severe in Queensland where nearly all koalas are infected with koala retrovirus said Dr. Gillett. This retrovirus is an H.I.V.-like infection that suppresses the koala's immune system and interferes with its ability to fight off chlamydia.''In southern koala populations where koala retrovirus is much less prevalent normal immune functions tend to result in fewer cases of chlamydia'' Dr. Gillett said.Treating chlamydia in wild koalas is a challenge she said. The disease is so devastating that only a small percentage of the animals can be treated successfully and returned to the wild. And infected females often bee infertile -- a condition that cannot be reversed so future population growth is affected as well.There is no treatment available for koala retrovirus but researchers are working to test a vaccine that would help prevent further spread of chlamydia infection in Queensland's koalas.A study published in 2010 in The American Journal of Reproductive Immunology found that this vaccine is both safe and effective in healthy female koalas. Further work is being done to test it in koalas that are already infected.Peter Timms a professor of microbiology at the Queensland University of Technology who is leading the effort to test the chlamydia vaccine in koalas is hopeful that there will be another trial this year to test the vaccine in captive male koalas followed by wild koalas. If all goes well plans can be set in motion to distribute the vaccine more widely.''It's going to be impossible to vaccinate all wild koalas'' he said.In Australia there is no national plan to save the koala; it is up to each region to establish management plans for its koala population. Therefore once the vaccine is shown to be pletely safe and effective Dr. Timms suggests targeting specific threatened populations where capturing and releasing koalas would be practical like those bordered on all sides by housing developments and roads.Dr. Timms is also working on a single-dose form. of the vaccine to make it more feasible to vaccinate wild her possibility would be to make vaccine distribution a routine part of treatment for the thousands of koalas brought into care centers every year after they are injured by cars or dogs Dr. Timms said.While it is a bination of problems that are affecting the wild koala population many experts believe this vaccine would be an important step in helping koalas survive longer. It may buy enough time to give researchers a chance to solve some of the other problems facing Australia's koalas.''In situations where you bine habitat pressure domestic dog attacks and car hits with severe chlamydial disease the oute for koalas is devastating'' Dr. Gillett said.【简析】本文主要讨论的是由于种种因素的影响,澳大利亚的考拉现在可栖息活动的地方也越来越小,这些原因包括气候变化,疾病病毒等。考拉的死亡率也不断上升,主要因素是病毒引起的,之后作者具体分析了这种病毒,并提出了各种可行的解决方案解救考拉。阅读理解第四篇:Mysteries of pillow time(出自:)When a study released earlier this year linked sleeping pills to an increase in cancer and death rates more than a few insomniacs probably had an even harder time getting to sleep.Though the findings published online in the journal BMJ indicated only that there was a correlation beeen sleep aids mortality and disease that was little solace for Americans who filled some 60 million prescriptions for the medications last year."The risks of sleeping pills are real" Gayle Greene who has been taking sleeping pills for three decades wrote in The Times. "But so are the risks of chronic sleep loss. As the pioneering sleep scientist William Dement has argued 'sleep is the most important predictor of how long you will live - perhaps more important than smoking exercise or high blood pressure.'"Ten to 20 percent of the world's population uses sleeping pills or tranquilizers according to Global Industry Analysts a worldwide market research firm. It estimates the global market for sleep aids will be worth $9 billion by 2015."It's difficult to go to a Manhattan cocktail party these days and not get roped into a discussion of someone's insomnia or the relative merits of melatonin and 'snore absorption rooms'" Henry Alford wrote in The Times. And he recounts "a slightly defensive diatribe called 'Why I Have Recently Purchased a $60000 Mattress.'"Mr. Alford's mission for better slumber took him to the Benjamin Hotel in Midtown Manhattan which has a sleep concierge and lets guests choose from 12 pillows like BuckwheatMaternityLullaby Swedish Memory and Satin Beauty. It also offers massagessnacks white-noise machines and masks.Parents tire their children out by getting them outside and having them run around and maybe that's what people really need especially as they get older. American health statistics show that more than half of adults ages 60 and over have trouble sleeping.A 2011 study at the University of Massachusetts of 22 adults ages 65 to 81 found a strong link beeen physical activity and the quality of sleep The Times reported. Better sleep did not take much Jane Kent-Braun a professor and physiologist who oversaw the study told The Times. "These were people who were just out there moving aroundgardening walking the dog."Some experts believe that the recent spike in diagnoses of attention hyperactivity disorder among children is the result of overlooked sleep disorders."Lack of sleep is an insult to a child's developing body and mind that can have a huge impact" Karen Bonuck a professor of family medicine in New York and author of a study on children and sleep disorders told The Times. "It's incredible that we don't screen for sleep problems the way we screen for vision and hearing problems."Some believe that building mattresses out of metal with elaborate spring systems is part of the problem. Coco-Mat which has 60 stores in 11 countries and opened a shop in Manhattan in late March sells mattresses that are handmade in Greece from natural materials like seaweedhorsehair goose down wool and coconut or cactus fibers."People have slept on springs for only about 50 years" Paul Elfmorfidis Coco-Mat's founder told The Times. "But for thousands of years before that humanity slept on nonmetal beds."【简析】第四篇文章是典型的医疗健康类,结合药物滥用和失眠问题。文章结构与我们老师在课堂上与同学们总结的结构基本吻合:提出问题(过度使用安眠药会引 发更严重的问题)--分析问题(失眠问题与身体状况)--解 决问题(安眠药危险,我们换枕头,换牀垫),文章难度不大,生僻词汇不多,基本掌握文章结构应该就能解题。与我们以往在课上讲到医疗健康类话题中的“滥用 抗抑郁药”有换汤不换药。而我们的第五篇,又老生常谈提到“抑郁”话题,可见,我们现在的日子真的不好过,看到读中口的同学,也许下次可以直接问:“今 天,你抑郁了吗?”“今天,你吃药了吗?”阅读理解第五篇:18 And Under: Parents' Mental Health Is Critical to Children's Care(出自:)Like many other primary care doctors I sometimes sense the shadow of depression hovering at the edges of the exam room. I am haunted by one mother with severe postnatal depression. Years ago I took proper care of the baby but I missed the mother's distress as did everyone else.Nowadays it's increasingly clear that pediatricians obstetrician-gynecologists and internists must be more alert. Research into postnatal depression in particular has underscored the importance of checking up on parents' mental health in the first months of a baby's life.But a parent's depression it turns out can be linked to all kinds of problems even in the lives of older children.''Depression is an illness that feeds upon itself'' said Dr. William Beardslee professor of child psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who has spent his career studying depression in children and developing family interventions. ''Very often people who are depressed don't seek the care they need.''In 2009 the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council issued a report ''Depression in ParentsParenting and Children'' that summarized a large and growing body of research on the ways that parental depression can affect how people take care of their children and how those children fare.One in five Americans will suffer from depression at some point noted Dr. Beardslee who was on the mittee that issued the report. ''Untreated unrecognized parental depression can lead to negative consequences for kids'' he said ranging from poor school performance to increased visits to the emergency room to poorer peer relationships and adolescent depression.Moreover there is plenty of evidence that when depressed parents get treatment and help with their parenting families are much better off.Depression is certainly treatable said Dr. Mary Jane England a psychiatrist and professor of health policy and management at Boston University School of Public Health who led the Institute of Medicine mittee.But she added ''because of stigma and lack of training of some of our primary care practitioners we don't pick it up.''Depression damages the interactions beeen parents and children and disrupts family routines and rituals. Children with a depressed parent are themselves more likely to manifest symptoms of depression research shows along with other psychiatric problems and behavior. issues. They are more likely to make visits to the emergency room and more likely to be injured.A depressed parent may have trouble following a plan of preventive care if a child has a medical problem like asthma. But higher rates of depression in parents whose children have chronic medical problems may also reflect the stress of dealing with those problems especially for psychologically vulnerable parents.Depression may bee part of a vicious cycle in these families: An overwhelmed and depressed parent is less able to follow a plex medical regimen and a child ends up in the emergency room or the hospital creating more pressure and more stress for the family.''There is a high burden of maternal depressionanxiety'' among mothers bringing children to an emergency room said Dr. Jacqueline M. Grupp-Phelan a pediatric emergency room specialist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. ''It influences their own perception of how well they can deal with their kids' problems.''It's also bee clear that there may be geic propensities to depression. Its appearance in parent and child may in part reflect inherited vulnerabilities.And all of that reaffirms how critical it is for primary care doctors to ask the right questions and offer diagnosis without stigma.''Moms appreciate being asked'' said Dr. Grupp-Phelan who has done research on the acceptability of mental health screening. ''It may be the only time they've been asked about their depression.''I often find myself urging mothers to pay more attention to their own medical problems and mental health. Pediatric colleagues tell stories of depressed parents who break down and cry during a child's visit but then say they're too busy taking care of the family to get help for themselves.I don't love the ''do it for your child's sake'' argument; I worry it suggests that the parent isn't important in her own right. But to be honest I make that argument anyway because it works.''They are open to doing something about their own issues because it could help their kid and that's a very strong hook for mothers'' Dr. Grupp-Phelan said. And when the ''doing something'' includes a focus on the whole family those routines and rituals and routines can be rebuilt and there's plenty of research to show that children are resilient.So if parents are open to being asked and if we know that identifying depression has important benefits for our patients and their parents why aren't we better at asking?As a pediatrician I tend to focus on the child of course. Asking mental health questions of the parent can sometimes feel intrusive or invasive.And there's the worry that even if you identify a problem there may not be good help available. When poverty and lack of access are bined with parental depression not surprisingly the risks are that much greater.And in looking for parental depression in asking about it and discussing the risks there may be a sense that doctors are placing blame. I think we fear that parents who are struggling with these shadows will feel accused and inadequate.''The last thing in the world we should be doing is blaming parents'' Dr. Beardslee said. ''We should be reaching out and offering hope.''This is a more plete version of the story than the one that appeared in print.【简析】 本文属于医疗类文章,作者作为一个儿科医生的角度思考平时大家比较容易忽略的问题,即儿童有病,很多情况下父母也会是一种原因。调查发现父母如果患有抑郁 症的话,在诸多方面都会对自己的孩子构成负面的影响,所以要解决孩子的问题,就应该先解决父母的问题,不然也是治标不治本,但是由于问题的特殊性,抑郁症 问题一直是人们的敏感话题可能会涉及到隐私,而且也会让父母感觉自己有负罪感,所以作者提出这样的问题,并思考解决方案。Passage Translation E-C:【原文】For years many Asian-Americans have been convinced that it's harder for them to gain admission to the nation's top colleges. Studies show that Asian-Americans meet these colleges' admissions standards far out of proportion to their 6 percent representation in the U.S. population and that they often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Critics say these numbers along with the fact that some top colleges with race-blind admissions have double the Asian percentage of Ivy League schools prove the existence of discrimination.The way it works the critics believe is that Asian-Americans are evaluated not as individuals but against the thousands of other ultra-achieving Asians who are stereotyped as boring academic robots.Of course not all Asian-Americans fit this stereotype. They are not always obedient hard workers who get top marks. Their economic status ancestral countries and customs vary. But pared with American society in general Asian-Americans have developed a much stronger emphasis on intense academic preparation as a path to a handful of the very best schools.【参考译文】多年来,许多美籍亚裔深信在美国要想被顶尖级名校录取,他们需要付出更加艰辛的努力。研究表明,美籍亚裔中达到这些大学的入学要求的人数的比例与他们所占 美国总人口的百分之六的比例不相称,并且要想获得均等的入学机会,他们往往要考出比其他国家学生高出几百分的成绩。事实表明一些名牌大学在实行无种族歧视 的招生政策之后,使常春藤联盟亚裔学生的招生比例翻了一番。评论家指出这些数据恰巧反映出歧视依然存在。评论家们认为,这种方式之所以行得通,是因为美籍亚裔学生并非作为个体被评估,而是被参照了许多做法极端的亚洲人而评估的,这些人为达到目的,刻板陈腐,像学术机器。当然,并非每个亚裔学生都是这种类型的。有些人并非寒窗苦读,名列前茅。他们的家庭条件,血统,风俗习惯都不尽相同。但是总体来说,与一般的美国学生相比,亚裔学生更重视紧张的学业准备,这也是他们挤进那些顶尖名校的必经之路。【评析】这篇文章略有难度。整段由三个长句组成。因此翻译时要理清思路,弄清句子前后的逻辑关系。然后再下笔。主要是第二个句子,数据进行比较。一方是亚裔美籍能达到这些名校入学标准所占比例,另一方是亚裔美籍人 占美国总人口的比例6%,弄清这个关系,这句就不难翻译了。”far out of”指的是“与…(很)不成比例,与…(很)不相称”。第二个句子后半句,比较的是亚裔美籍人入这些名校的分数要比其他国家的人入这些学校要高出很多分,比较的是“不同民族不同分数”这样一个概念。“higher than”关键词最后一句话,要注意找准句子主干,即“Critics say these numbers prove the existence of discrimination.”阅读理解第六篇:The invention of banking(出自:)The invention of banking preceded that of coinage. Banking originated something like 4000 years ago in Ancient Mesopotamia in present-day Iraq where the royal palaces and temples provided secure places for the safekeeping of grain and other modities. Receipts came to be used for transfers not only to the original depositors but also to third parties. Eventually private houses in Mesopotamia also got involved in these banking operations and laws regulating them were included in the code of Hammurabi the legal code developed not long afterwards.In Ancient Egypt too the centralisation of harvests in state warehouses led to the development of a system of banking. Written orders for the withdrawal of separate lots of grain by owners whose crops had been deposited there for safety and convenience or which had been pulsorily deposited to the credit of the king soon became used as a more general method of payment of debts to other people including tax gatherers priests and traders. Even after the introduction of coinage these Egyptian grain banks served to reduce the need for precious metals which tended to be reserved for foreign purchases particularly in connection with military activities.5. In both Mesopotamia and Egypt the banking systemsA. were initially limited to transactions involving depositors.B. were created to provide ine for the king.C. required a large staff to administer them.D. grew out of the provision of storage facilities for food.6. What does the writer suggest about banking?A. It can take place without the existence of coins.B. It is likely to begin when people are in debt.C. It normally requires precious metals.D. It was started to provide the state with an ine.【简析】再次证明出题老师偷懒了,再一次直接用了Cambridge Certificate上面用的阅读,尽管我们还没有看到题目,但根据以往的经验,题目一定是无修改照搬。原文有3个extracts但现在老师能搜索 到的只有其中一个extract讲的银行的起源;既然是起源,一定跟古代有关,也一定不会跟钱有关,但文章信息还是很明确:where the royal palaces and temples provided secure places for the safekeeping of grain and other modities./ the centralization of harvests in state warehouses led to the development of a system of banking.两道题,一道细节,一道推断,也符合这种类型文章的出题风格。更多2016年9月中级口译真题(2012年9月基础口译模考真题)相关信息请关注本站,本文仅仅做为展示!